Go deeper into your own heart

Into your longings, your truth, your unique form of expression and feminine embodiment. If you aren’t sure what that is, start here.. start now

Kimberly Benjamin Houdebine Kimberly Benjamin Houdebine

Is it Time to Leave?

Your bags are packed. At least your mental bags.

It’s supposed to be the month of “love” – yeah, right. Who cares? You aren’t getting the love you want and need.

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Kimberly Benjamin Houdebine Kimberly Benjamin Houdebine

Throw Glitter In Today's Face and Shine!

Everyday can be a sparkly day, even the most mundane of days, and when its raining (literally or emotionally). It all begins with our thoughts. Those things that fly through our mind at light speed, often undetected by our consciousness.

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