Is it Time to Leave?

Your bags are packed. At least your mental bags. 

It’s supposed to be the month of “love” – yeah, right. Who cares? You aren’t getting the love you want and need.

You spend your days with one foot out the door, full of longing for something or someone else. You are absolutely sure he can’t/won’t/doesn’t care enough/never did/never will…… fill in the blank here.

So why are you still there?

Let me help you out a bit, perhaps…

  • He isn’t the same person you married, but you are sure he could be, if only he would try, so every morning you vow to give him one more chance

  • You still love him. You aren’t sure why, but it keeps you tied to this life

  • You don’t want to break up your family

  • You are afraid of

    • Making a mistake

    • Hurting your children

    • What others will think

    • Being alone

Meanwhile, day after day, you spiral further into despair, exhaustion and either anger or hopelessness.

So, you show up with the best face you can, but inside you feel like a wounded dog who has been kicked a few too many times to trust anymore.

That is not, lovely one, who you were born to be.

You deserve to be loved, genuinely, richly, deeply loved.

Maybe he can do that. Maybe he even wants to, but there have been so many words, so many incidents, so many years that neither of you is willing to take that first step. 

I know that you have been trying. You have done everything you know to do. 

Are you open to giving something different a try? 

One last ditch effort before you give up on the two of you.

If so, here is a link to a video I created – Take Ten – ten minute marriage tips:

Oh, and join the private FB sisterhood to find community and support from a group of equally amazing, kick ass women like yourself:

And keep your eyes open for a series of Marriage Secrets no one shares with you on the big day.


The Freedom to Love


Throw Glitter In Today's Face and Shine!