• You’re successful in your career but when it comes to love and relationships, you just can’t seem to get it right?

  • On the outside, you seem confident but on the inside, you struggle with intimacy and really letting someone else ‘in’?

  • Trust has been an issue in your past and is still impacting your relationships?

  • You feel unappreciated, unheard and unloved in your relationship - whatever you try, nothing seems to work long-term?

  • You’re repeating the same patterns in relationships, often falling for the same ‘type’ over and over again?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, take a deep breath and let me show you a better way of understanding yourself and your partner (if you have one).

Getting to know yourself better is the first step to understanding how you’re showing up in relationships to begin to break the patterns that don’t serve you, whether you are in a relationship now, or hope to be in the future.
Getting to know your partner better supports you to understand why things trigger you and what you can do to manage them.

This new mini course dives into you. It is designed to allow you the freedom to be you regardless of what he does or says (or doesn't do or say). That is how Human Design works. It is a tool for self awareness.

The more you know about you, the less time and energy you spend trying to figure him out. It’s not about him anyway - it’s all for you!

For women who have everything buttoned up in life, except love.

Does this sound familiar?


Run your chart

Human Design is a tool that offers you insight into your personality, the energy you bring to your life, emotional reactions and the best way to make decisions from a place of awareness. It has opened up understanding in my own marriage and supported so many of my clients so far. 

Enter your details below to generate your unique Human Design chart.

What is Human Design anyway?

The first time I saw my chart, I took one look and slammed the computer closed. It looked foreign. If you feel that way too, just know you are not alone. The more I dove in, however, the deeper I understood myself. And the more I practiced, the easier life became. It’s the best relationship tool I’ve discovered after a lifetime of researching relationships…

Simply put, Human Design is the study of how we intrinsically show up in the world. It is the science of the energetic body, how we are hard wired to make decisions, like why we are attracted to a certain ‘type’ of man. It supports us to see our gifts as well as our potential challenges

This is why I created a mini-course to help you navigate your human design in a way that doesn’t feel overwhelming.

This course is designed to allow you to feel free to be you regardless of what he does or says (or doesn't do or say). That is the intention of Human Design - the freedom to be yourself and stop wasting time trying to figure him out. It was never really about him anyway - it’s always been about you!

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Human Design is deep, but I’m going to keep it really simple for you - it’s a tool for understanding yourself (and your partner) more deeply, to create true intimacy and connection.

  • How you are perceived by others, your aura and energy, and how it allows you receive, connect and embrace life and love, especially in intimate relationships.

  • Specific guidance, based on your Design Type for creating success with the most ease and flow in life and love.

  • Your inner guide, and how following it (or not following it) impacts your relationships.

  • What you are unconsciously seeking, and seeking to avoid.

  • Compromise, Conflict and Dominance - the bullseye of disharmony and ways to navigate it.

  • Ease and challenge points in your relationship

Let me simplify it for you

Human Design is deep, mysterious looking and complicated; just like you. You could spend the rest of your life discovering more. But, I’m going to keep it simple for you.

Because even the most basic elements will work magic.

This mini course will give you everything you need to start making changes right now.

What’s more, this seven week mini course, specifically designed to simplify Human Design, becomes yours to keep forever. My gift to you, because I want you to have your heart’s desires.

I am inviting you to jump in. This six month in the making project, was made from love for you to create those “a ha” moments - that lead to shifts and wins in your relationship - NOW - not a year from now. You will begin to experience a very different relationship as you go through this work.

And, the best part is that for the first time ever, I’m offering it for just $197.

Here’s how it works

This Human Design for Relationships mini course is designed to support you and your current/future relationships. It’s for women in relationships, as well as those taking a break.

Over seven weeks, you’ll receive an email a week with simple instructions on how to understand your own wiring and that of your partner (if you have one).

Once signed up, you’ll receive my mini-course handbook to help you navigate our time together. You’ll be shown how to run your chart but most importantly, how to make sense of it.

Imagine having absolute clarity on all those little things that trigger you in relationships and why, so you can put it in perspective and be kinder to yourself (and him).

We cover each topic in detail but from a place of simplicity, not overwhelm. And, by the end of our time together, you will better understand what’s been holding you back from receiving the love you’re worthy of, and how to move forward with confidence.

Investment: One-off payment of US$197

Still not sure?

You’ll have lifetime access to this mini-course and I know it’ll be something you refer back to over the years. There is so much depth in here, I know you’ll be having aha moments for years to come!

But, if you’re still not, sure maybe there are other ways I can help…