Self Care… find out what is supporting you in June!

The theme of this entire year is one of transition. Transitioning into seeing our value. Seeing our value, not from a place of ego, but uniqueness.

As I shared with clients this week, it isn’t possible for anyone else to love us into “liking” ourselves OR seeing our value.

This is not the same thing as thinking we are superior to anyone else. It is rather seeing our what we contribute to the world. This requires that we also see our humanness, our messiness, our “foibles” … our fears…. And allow that awareness to make our light shine brighter -  not dimmer.

What you were born to create in this world cannot be created by another. Who you came here to be, cannot be played by someone else.

Which also means you cannot play,  or pretend to be someone else successfully either. So, as Oscar Wilde said many years ago… “Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.”

That is what this year is all about - digging into our unique value, releasing our protective shields and shinning  in our incomparable uniqueness.

And June, mid- point for the year, has some incredible moments for us to embrace in that journey…

JUNE 1st takes us into Gate 35 - The Gate of Experience as Karen Curry Parker describes it. The Gate of Change by its official name. Or as Christie Inge describes it - the Hungry Heart.

It is a gate that invites us into experience - not delude ourselves with stories from our past that we want to believe predict our future… they don’t.

By design, progress cannot exist in a vacuum and is dependent on interaction. The secret is intention without expectation.


Where are you finding passion in life? Do you see the value of what you have to share?
What can your past experiences teach you - that is of value -
to show you what you’ve overcome, built, created?

JUNE 6 the  New Moon is in Gate 35…. How might you deepen your intentions about what you want to build or create;  who you want to be?

This new Moon is inviting us to release our attachment to how things “should” look… to time and the timing, trusting  that things will reveal themselves in perfect form in due time.

Think back to all the times in the past where things worked out better than you imagined, more than you hoped for. Reflect on trust.

When you feel anxious, frustrated, overwhelmed…
do you let go and do what you know you can…
or do you hold on tighter, trying to control it?


Which works best for you?
Allowing and embracing experience, or projecting fear into your future?

JUNE 7th Takes us into Gate 45, the Gate of Distribution which is all about sharing your resources…

Want to know what your biggest resource is…????

YOU… this gate is all about generosity and the attraction of like forces.

Do you have a gratitude list? Do you consider the gifts you have and the ways in which you are blessed?

What do you feel led from the heart - not performance seeking approval - to share?

… a gate to bring awareness - the awareness that only comes from restraint and reflection.

We do everything we do because of how we want to feel… or avoid feeling…

Go inside and connect with yourself. Get honest about what you react to, what tempts you to be less than your most amazing self? What could you do to connect to the truth of your innate creative power?

JUNE 19th Gate 15 The Gate of Compassion - gate of modesty that represents a natural expression of your gifts.

Questions for this gate and time - Am I in judgment of self and therefore others?

Where is my trust vulnerable?

How might I be overcompensating - sharing too much, not sharing authentically,
not trusting my own rhythms, repeating old behaviors and patterns?



JUNE 22nd Gate 10 The Gate of Self LOVE!!

We cannot love another with greater depth or ability than we can compensate if we do not love ourselves… everything else we do

IN THE NAME OF LOVE…. Is simply pleasing to either - get our way, look good, have peace,  feel accomplished……. Avoid conflict…

In other words…. It is not coming from love… it is coming from fear..

How do  you want to handle  that?

The Full Moon invites us to release things that aren’t working.. If you aren’t sure how to do that… stop suffering… invest in yourself….

And rounding out the month of JUNE… on the 25th, Gate 52 The Gate of perspective.. Official name… Keeping Still Mountain…

Temporary and self imposed inaction for the benefit of assessment and withdrawal.

Inaction of focused and channeled energy toward rest and reflection…

When you look at the month… a Hungry Heart, looking for the passion of life, deepening her awareness, sharing her resources and gifts, leaning into Self Love and holding still  long enough to hear her own thoughts….. Does that bring your world into focus  a bit more?

Dive deeper with us in the Pearl Membership as we explore all things that foster greater self awareness, that lead to deeper connection.


Do you and your partner disagree – a lot? This can help.


Unbuttoning Your Story - (About Self Care?)