OK, Now I’m Lit Up

In the northern hemisphere we are going into spring. Spring is my favorite time of year. It is a reminder that even the coldest, darkest winter will eventually give way to a rebirth of life and promise.

Spring also reminds us that “rebirth” can bring things we may not want. Here, along with the flowers that add color and fragrance to life, we are blanketed by a pervasive yellow cloud of dust – the pollination that makes all the beauty possible also permeates everything. There is no getting around it. It’s kind of like nature saying, “hey, you want the beauty, here’s the price.”

It's a great reminder of life. To create what we want, we get to remember that growth has challenges too. We just get to choose what we focus on and become intentional in our awareness. That is where Human Design shows up. It gives us breadcrumbs to follow in the journey to self-awareness and growth.

In March, I had the gift of sharing just how Human Design empowers us to do that. This is what Michele said about the experience:

“Ok, I feel lit up :-) ! Kim, thank you for your presentation. I loved it!

I want to invite you to experience empowerment and excitement that comes from self awareness too. I want you to see your power to choose.

This transformation happens when we take an honest assessment of our gifts, skills and experience, what we have, how far we’ve come, and from that place, choose what we are willing to “do” to feel what we want to feel, without judgement.

Human Design accelerates this process. It empowers us to choose with less fear and more confidence; or conversely, shows us what we are currently choosing that keeps us stuck.

And most importantly, it highlights the simple truth, that it is always, just a choice.

That’s why I’m inviting you to choose April as the month you are going to choose a different path; and become so connected to the juiciness of your life, you take empowering steps, one day at a time.

This is why April is the perfect month to do that. During the month of April, Mercury will be in retrograde.

Mercury is the planet that impacts communication. Retrograde, for clarification is simply a delusion that suggests a particular planet is moving counterclockwise. It impacts the pull on Earth.

If that seems a bit “woo woo,” and I get that it might, go back to what you know to be true. In spring and summer the days become longer and warmer. That’s planetary movement. And just like the impact of longer, warmer days, the pull of planets changing places, temporarily, can be impactful.

This retrograde is characterized in April as we pass through these Gates; Gate 51: Initiation (Shock), Gate 3: Innovation (Ordering), Gate 42: Conclusion (Celebration), Gate 27: Accountability (The Empowered), and other Gates, in addition to a lunar eclipse. All of these energetic things will be in place, whether you choose to learn about them or not. If you do choose to dive in, it will be an opportunity for you to see how you communicate with YOU; a deep dive inside to hear what you tell yourself all day and night.


For example:

Are you focusing on the beauty and possibility of rebirth, or the annoyance of pollen? Is your life full because you see what you DO have? Or does it feel empty because of what you are longing for?



Remember, it’s all about choice. That is what we are focusing on this month. We are exploring all the ways we burn out in relationships, largely, and shockingly because of what we choose to focus on.

To support awareness of this principle, we are reading  “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brené Brown. 

In this book, she shares her own personal, and shocking discovery, that being smart and having a Ph.D. didn’t guarantee connection, compassion or self awareness.  In other words, following the path we are taught to follow often leads us away from the joy and fulfillment we seek.

She then candidly shares that it took her two years to process this awareness to a degree that allowed her to acknowledge it.

Are you living the life you want?

If so, share your story with others. If not, join us, join the FB group to explore this book, and the possibility of your own “rebirth.”

No matter how many times you’ve heard that life is a journey, not a destination, you will continue to do what you know, until you experience the truth of knowing yourself and embrace “The Gifts of Imperfection.”


May Transits - Gate 2 - The Gate of Allowing


Human Design for Relationships