Human Design for Relationships

Does any of this sound like you?

●     You keep repeating the same patterns and getting the same results in every romantic relationship

●     You’re allergic to intimacy (and it’s affecting your relationships)

●     You have an issue with trust (and it’s affecting your relationships)

●     You feel unappreciated, unheard and unloved in your relationship

●     You’re buttoned up in all areas of your life, except love…


If so, I’d love to share something that I’ve been using in my own marriage and to help my clients with, to overcome all of the above issues…


It’s Human Design (HD) applied to relationships.


Simply put, Human Design is the study of how we intrinsically show up in the world. It is the science of the energetic body, how we are hard wired to make decisions. Like why we are attracted to a certain “type” of man. It supports us to see our gifts and potential challenges.


If you’ve seen HD in action, you may have been scared off by its complexity.


If you’ve seen your chart and you’re anything like me, you probably looked at it and said, “I’ll get to that later!”


It’s filled with language and symbols that beg for an interpreter.


Deep breath – you don’t need to know everything to benefit enormously, especially in relationships. Simply put, Human Design is the study of how we intrinsically show up in the world. It is the science of the energetic body, how we are hard wired to make decisions, (like why we are attracted to a certain “type” of man.) It supports us to see our gifts and potential challenges.

We humans like to believe that we are rational, logical beings. We are told to “think” about things before we do them. News flash, science has studied human motivation for a while now. What we’ve learned from these studies is that everything we do is because of a way we want to feel or avoid feeling. So when you are trying to shift or change something because you are in pain, your brain, in its singular purpose, to keep you alive, creates fear to get you to avoid doing that. It is unfamiliar, which the brain processes as life threatening. No joke.


The best way to create the life you want, is not to listen to your brain.

One of the best tools I’ve discovered to support that is Human Design.


Let me make it even more simple. Do you often find yourself in the same patterns you swore that morning you would not fall into? That is because your brain has taken you down a familiar path.


Wonder how often this happens and why it becomes so difficult to change? Your brain never stops working and it is the voice you most often follow (about 95% of the time to be precise), whether you realize it consciously or not.


Are you ready to shift that?


Then walk with me, and let me simplify Human Design to a point that your relationships begin to work for you.


OK, Now I’m Lit Up


Unleashed Self Confidence