May Transits - Gate 2 - The Gate of Allowing

As we leave the wild ride of April with Mercury in retrograde, a full solar eclipse where Chiron was in direct alignment with the sun at the time of the eclipse and move into an entirely new astrological wave, can I say “whew?”

How about you? Did you notice a lot of shake ups in April?

That is what the retrograde was all about, influenced and amped up with all the movements swirling to give us the opportunity to release what is no longer working in our lives; to embrace our gifts and move from a “hanging in there” mindset to a “hell yes, this is my life.”

If you are still reeling and haven’t quite jumped into “hell yes,” deep breath. Remember your life is not a sprint and all that you have experienced, endured, achieved, realized has paved the way. 2024 is a dynamic year – your year to do the things you’ve always wanted to do; be the woman you’ve always known you were. “One day” is here.

May kicks off on the 3rd in Gate 2 The Direction of Self.
This gate is all about allowing, being open to receive the abundance you’ve worked so hard for.

Receiving is the key to abundance. And, as women, we get to practice this. We get to be open to receiving all the abundance that comes our way. It doesn’t come naturally to most of us. Women are wired to think in terms of community, the whole.

Think about the last time you hosted something. Were you quietly hovering, smiling, having conversation, but always attuned to the entire room, moving around to ensure everyone there was enjoying themselves and getting what they needed? This is the energy of community. Now, depending on our charts, we may have a different approach, but in general, women are present in community. We are the ones who hold the family together and think in terms of “us.”

This often hinders our ability to receive. Let’s take the party example. How often do you refuse help from your guests, feeling you are the hostess and need to handle their comfort?

How often does someone offer you something, praise, a compliment, an open door, a chair, a hand up and you respond with something like, “thanks, it was nothing, or that’s okay, I’ve got it?”

Gate 2, located in the G-Center (the Center for Self – direction, love) is about being open to the abundance all around us. It is the feminine receptive.

Understanding, becoming aware, of the many tiny ways throughout the day we are offered something that we feel uncomfortable receiving will begin to open the doors to truly receive what we want.

Learning to embrace the wonder of small steps,
small offerings, small beginnings leads to the “things” we want.

As we have all heard, the journey of a 1000 miles begins with one step. And scripture reminds us not to despise the beginnings of small things.

We cannot give love fully until we are able to receive it fully. Gate 2 is about allowing yourself to receive.

And Gate 2 stays present with us through the New Moon on May 8. The new moon invites us to deepen our alignment with what we want to create in our lives.

So, for the beginning of May, I’d like to personally invite you to deepen your intention to receive.

Try these practices:

  1. Thank you, instead of saying sorry every sentence.

  2. If someone offers you something, no matter how small, notice your resistance, discomfort or ability to receive it.

  3. Keep a journal or notebook for the first 8 days of May with all the things you are offered, and three things a day you are grateful to have received.

After the new moon on the 8th, share what comes up for you. Join our free FB group, send me a personal email… tell a friend about your practice…. Make receiving a part of your everyday life and watch things begin to change for you!


No One Can Ever Love You “Enough” They Just Can’t


OK, Now I’m Lit Up