Do You Feel UnLovable?

I have in the past.

I discovered that was what was always underneath the pleasing, not asking for what I wanted - or even if I did, believing that he would or could do it.

The dirty little secret was that I believed if “I were enough” my ex(s) would treat me the way they did in courtship. For example - My first ex husband once told me he loved me so many times in one day that I put my finger on his lips and said as lovingly as possible - “I know.”

And then we got married.

Six years later he was madly in love with someone else.

Here’s the skinny.

Men are hunters. Once they have bagged the prize - us - they don’t feel the same drive to prove how much they love us. They assume we know.

Also, you may notice that while he was pursuing me I had external validation - being heard, seen and valued.

I felt confident and free to be me.

The shift in long term relationships often happens because we don’t really understand the dance. We are wanting to salsa and he is doing the waltz.

We literally become less interesting because of our own wounds (way before him) - and the insecurities those create. He, meanwhile, gets lazy/tunes us out because he is hunting for food, shelter, self worth, or to quiet any number of his own inner demons. He isn’t thinking about us as much - because we become so busy thinking about him all the time (in good or bad ways).

Learn how to always be the prize - by being the prize.

That just means healing the wounds and knowing YOU ARE LOVABLE,

Focusing on things that make you happy - he isn’t the reason you are unhappy. It goes deeper. It goes back to feeling loved and lovable.

The solution to relationship is knowing you are worthy of love.

It changes everything.

Here is a link to set up a complimentary 15 minute call with me to discover more.



Be bold - be the prize. Make the call.


Do You Need A Wife Too?


Are You “Fine” Alone?