Are You “Fine” Alone?

Are You Just FINE...Are You Just FINE...

F  - Free, independently comfortable and fabulous

I  - Intimately attuned to your needs

N  - Not afraid to be you

E  - Experienced enough to know the ride may be bumpy at times, but worth the price


Is fine what you tell yourself about love because deep down you feel...

F  - Fearful  ( past - or current - hurts and disappointments keep you guarded)

I  - Indifferent (Intentionally deciding love is not for)

N  - Noncommittal (you aren’t showing up unless he does)

E  - Evasive ( this isn’t your first rodeo)

I  spoke with two  - absolutely freaking amazing women today. They are both  single, intelligent, beautiful, successful women - who, guess what - have all but  decided to give up on love! One is still recovering from a nasty divorce. One just isn’t convinced it’s in the cards.

Which is absolutely cool - IF - You are Free, Fabulous, Intimately attuned, Not afraid to be you and Experienced enough to be open if someone trips into your life.

On the other hand … if you say you are FINE because, as one woman shared - 

“It’s just too much. When I think back to my last relationship, I don’t want to go there again.”

That’s when it’s time to take a deeper look.

And that’s why I  do this work…..

Because every woman on the planet is worthy of love. 

Real love… 

Real, soul satisfying love. 

So, I would like to invite you to a little fun experiment. Take a couple of minutes and fill in the blanks here...

My ideal partner is someone who ____________ for me. He always notices _____________ and lavishes me with _____________.  He supports my _________________,  is always there for me and is my____________.

And now - replace “him”

And fill out those same sentences with “I”

I  am someone who _____________ for me. I always notice ___________ and lavish myself with ____________. I support my ________, always have my back and I am my__________________

Because yes, you are truly worthy of love. You are an amazing miracle, one of a kind, irreplaceable, and you get to own that. No man has control over your value, dreams or desires. 

And no relationship can give you what you aren’t giving yourself.

Real, soul satisfying love begins with how you are showing  up for you.  

So, Hang on, because you are worthy of the finest kind of FINE - no lie. And, in the next few days, I’ll be back with more about how you create it.


Do You Feel UnLovable?