I’m Really Over the Whole Mercury Retrograde Thing - You too?

Yep, every tech glitch and misspoken word in August we can blame on the whole Retrograde thing…. Or can we?

Here’s the thing about anything that happens outside of us. There is always a potential for impact. We can’t control the planets, the Moon, weather, death, or apparently politicians.  (That was meant to be funny… in case you didn’t smile.) 

What we can control however is our response. And when we are living in alignment with our skills, gifts and talents, all those things seem to have less of, well, an impact. So, if you would like to feel less tossed about by external events and feel more in control of your life, consider that between stimulus and response is a space. In that space we have the freedom to choose. It’s that choice that determines the quality of our life. And if we know in advance what to expect, we can decide ahead of time how we want to feel, what we want to value, who we want to be.

So, let’s see what August has to offer to support those choices.

August 4 - New Moon and Gate 33 The Gate of Re-telling - Also known officially  as the Gate of Retreat.

Interestingly enough, it is all about stepping back to regroup, transforming self sabotage into self mastery. Evaluating the stories you tell yourself about self sabotage, into a story that you are proud to tell.

That takes us into needing to see and value what we do; understanding that retreat, rest, and disengagement are just as important to growth as activity. Without introspection and renewal we can’t incorporate change. 

And since the New Moon invites us to realign and deepen our intentions, what might you get to see about what’s not working in your life?

Are you open to seeing it?

Because Mercury Retrograde shows up on the 5th.. Just saying…

Just in time to give us a few days to see US, before me move August 7th into Gate 7 - The Gate of Collaboration, or The Army….LOL… which is all about the role of self in service and leadership.

So consider a new definition of leadership. Every person leads something and/or someone. Because every situation provides us an opportunity to do that. It is about seeing the collective need. 

So, if  you are a mom, you lead your family. You see the needs of your children and partner and make decisions that serve the collective.

If you have a close group of friends, you lead them in some aspect, having fun, organizing activities, being the person everyone comes to for advice, or the one who listens. 

Leadership has never been more important, I feel, than it is today. The world is starved for people who are willing to see the needs and step up.

And, it gets to be heart centered, not forced, not for the glory, for the heart. To do that, you first get to see how amazing you are. It requires you to step out and step up - for YOU..

As soon as you see your greatness, we move on August 17th into Gate 29, the Gate of Devotion (or Perseverance) It asks us who and what we get to devote ourselves to by emphasizing the use of discernment when we say yes to an experience, or before we commit to something. It reminds us that true strength will ask us to go the distance, so letting our yes be yes - and more importantly - letting our No be okay…

On the 19th we are invited by the Full Moon ( a time of releasing to make space for our intentions) into Gate 30 The Gate of Passion (The Clinging Fire - Feelings) Freedom recognized as an illusion is the original description…

When I read this in context of feelings and clinging fire, what I hear is this question:

How often do we feel free in our current relationship to be ourselves? 90% of the time, 75%, 50%..... Less…how do we handle our emotions?

What is it we need to let go of? Hurt feelings? Past comments, arguments, criticism?

Can we? 

Can you?

Appropriately, on August 23 we move into Gate 59, the Gate of sustainability (Splitting Apart/Assimilation) which is a time for considering our  choices - which ones sustain us, which ones drain us. 

How do we create a safe, respectful environment to connect, even if we disagree? Where can we come together?

The key here is always accepting ourselves first. How do we create self trust? 

What if we considered self sabotage an opportunity for growth?

What might we birth if we believed we were enough? 

And finally, magically it seems… We finish August in Gate 40, the Gate of Restoration (originally Deliverance/Aloneness) . It is that place where we see the truth that we are always alone with ourselves. There is no one there when we are born or when we die… no one can go through those experiences with us. 

How do we reconcile the concept that being alone is not the same as being lonely. It is the journey we take to assimilate our role in community with others - to value our contribution enough to restore, restock and replenish… to merge the dual roles we play in the lives of others, with our own personal needs, and to see that one cannot work without the other.

We were born to connect, but not cling to, identify with, become everything for the other. Our gifts cannot be used in that capacity. We cannot contribute when we are overwhelmed, overburdened, frustrated, angry, envious. 

So, in conclusion…. August, much as this entire year,  holds so many gems for us to cherish.

August 29 - Gate 40 The Gate of Restoration - To learn to decipher loneliness correctly - how has it supported decisions that haven’t served you; or caused you to abandon self care (pleasing/placating/unneeded sacrifice to prove your worthiness).


No, I’m not making this up…