Cozy, Close, Intimate Love

Hey Beautiful!

Do you dream of that luscious, passionate, deep love that all the cards and movies portray?

Wanna know where that starts?

No, I’m not being a smart alec… and it's not a trick question.

The answer is inside of you. Love isn’t something we find or get from another person. It is something we look for, develop and embrace inside of ourselves.

Love at its best drives every good and pure thing we do… it lifts us up and becomes the “air beneath our wings.”

At its worst…. Well, you could probably tell me a heartbreak story or two from your own history. Am I right?

Here’s the thing - Love is messy and challenging… and requires more from us than anything else we will ever do.

You get to put yourself out there, be totally naked, vulnerable, brave, and bold. The only way to get to that place is to love that precious little girl inside that has needed to create protective shields. Those shields have become the masks you wear to hide the shadows you fear are unlovable.

Breaking through those lifetime habits and patterns is a process.

It takes knowing yourself, all of you… and honoring what you find… yes, even those shadow parts you secretly wished you could eliminate.

Think of it this way. On a sunny day it is the brilliance of the light that creates shadows. Shadows are lovely. Shadows are depth. Some plants only grow in the shadows. It takes both to create the whole.

Uncovering those dark shadows is the path to owning the light on the other side of them.

And being open to seeing them is the only way through the pain. In fact, as I read recently, the poison - avoiding discomfort, running from fear, pretending, dismissing our needs and wants, saying yes when we want to scream NO - that poison we desperately want to avoid taking is the cure we most need….

It’s a new year. This is a new moment. And you get to create what you want this year, in this moment.

You’re ready. If you weren’t you wouldn’t still be reading this.

This month in the Unbuttoned Membership Program we are exploring a new tool for self discovery. It’s called Human Design.

If you are unfamiliar with Human Design, you may not be the only one. It is a relatively new tool (35 years old) that combines several ancient principles.

Here are a few articles you can check out to get an overview:

I was introduced to HD several years ago - and I’ll be honest, its complication kept me at arms length.

And then…. Low and behold, I had several chance encounters and visited one too many old, unwanted patterns and all I kept hearing inside was this question:

“Kim, would you coach a client into deeper self exploration if you knew
it could potentially bring them healing and joy?”

You can imagine the internal conversation that ensued. Et voilà! I’ve found myself over the last five months in a greater place of peace. Which in Human Design is my theme when I am being authentically myself.

I’ve been graciously and openly embracing my shadows; celebrating my strengths and compassionately letting go of the inner critic.

And it has been mind blowing.

I will only be able to share bits and pieces. There is still so much to explore and learn.

And, if you are looking for answers to why you repeat things you don't’ want to and struggle with things you want to change - Human Design has been very insightful for me - and I feel confident it would be for you too.

Now, I get to be loud and clear about one thing… I am a Christian. For those of you that may hesitate at things astrology or physics related - I get it… It does not change my faith, and I understand if it is off putting for you.

For those of you who might find my faith off putting, I get that too. Too many terrible things have been done in the name of God. It breaks my heart.

And… my belief is that when we can all come together - in the love that I feel as a follower of Jesus, regardless of our personal beliefs and convictions - we all get to learn from each other and heal…

Again… you’re ready

Sooooo… BONUS!

I created a 63 page workbook for Human Design for this month… I used over 20 sources. Some of the words are mine, as I understand HD and some are straight off the sites, in the exact words of those who have been studying this far longer than I have…whom I have credited in the workbook..

For everyone who responds to this blog and asks for the workbook, and registers for a complimentary 20 min discovery call - I will share with you the workbook for free… and go over the basics of running your own, free chart and how to begin to explore this new/ancient science.

New Year, New Moment - your call!

Love and Bisous!


Can Love Really Be Unconditional?


Can You Relate?