Becoming unapologetically you

Gain confidence and compassion for yourself to show up authentically in love and life

Helping successful women (just like you!) show up in love as boldly as they do in work and life.

You’re in charge of your life. You’ve worked damned hard to make it that way. You’re smart, accomplished, well liked, fun to be with. You are a treasure. So, why does it feel like you are out of control when it comes to your relationships?

Maybe because there are patterns you keep repeating in a loop that you aren’t even aware of. Maybe its because you are drawn, energetically to the same “type” of man and you can’t figure out how it keeps happening. Or maybe you are in a long term partnership or marriage and you’ve just forgotten what even brought you together.

Whatever it is, when you dive into self awareness, drop into your heart without fear, shed the masks, and show up authentically, you reignite passion and release what isn’t working in your life. You walk forward boldly, empowered, transformed, free., and  You leave the rest behind. 

I have the greatest job in the world! My work is to hold up a mirror for you to really see the truth of your wonder, your gifts, your strengths… all the things that make you special; all the things you have not been able to believe, until now.

I support you and other strong, successful women like you, to get out of your own way, to make room for healthy, fulfilling, respectful partnerships. I’m by your side, guiding you as you remove those masks that have kept the real you hidden - the inner wild woman, the dreamer, the hot mess, the playful goofball. - I show you how to stop wasting time, energy and tears - trying to be anyone but you. Our work together becomes a partnership in truth where you see your beauty and own your worthiness.  

Modern-day relationships come with a myriad of pressures. The happily ever after you thought you signed up for may not have happened, yet. That doesn’t mean it can’t. My own journey with love and let-downs has had lessons too, but every relationship brings growth and opportunity for expansion - whether it’s a forever love or not.

Don’t give up – jump in all the way.

“I have discovered so much about myself, how I asked to be treated and what I want from myself and others. That I had more options and strength than I realized."


Let’s work together

I would love to support you, regardless of your current relationship status. Here’s a few ways I may be able to help:

Understanding your Human Design for relationships:

Experience your relationships by design, not default. Understand why you’re so triggered by those ‘things’ and why he never seems to truly ‘get’ you. This seven week mini-course will walk you through the complexities of understanding your human design (and his) to create more understanding and finally put an end to the relationship patterns that no longer serve you.

Group Coaching: Unbuttoned

Leverage the collective energy of a group of women determined to go deeper into their own hearts and accept love in clearer and more profound ways. You’ll evolve alongside other accomplished women who have life intellectually buttoned-up - in all areas except love. I created Unbuttoned, an online community, as a way for more women - regardless of relationship status - to get the tools and confidence they need to relate intimately with greater intentionality. 

Life is too short for a mediocre anything… especially love

Can you imagine how wonderfully freeing it would be to have the courage to share exactly what you want, think and feel?  

Can you envision a partnership where you don’t need to hide, protect, please or deny those heart dreams?

I promise you can be nurturing, feminine, sexy and free - without losing the independent, strong, successful woman you’ve worked hard to become.

Whether you’re married and wanting a deeper love, single and seeking something real, or needing a path forward out of an existing relationship, just being you is the answer.


“You definitely provided a space to me to feel heard.  I felt understood, and befriended.  Befriending myself through my own trauma was tough, if not impossible.  So having you to talk to was awesome.”


"There was a feeling of connection, compassion and true understanding.  Asking questions that showed you heard me, maybe better than what I was even saying.


“I’m much more self aware of my role in unhappiness of my marriage.”

A great relationship starts with you

Discover more inspiration to support you in living and loving authentically.

Begin your journey to greater feminine embodiment and be inspired to live and love authentically. This is where I share my own learnings, insights and inspiration to help you find the love you deserve.

Ready to discover what the next chapter holds for your life?